Petnet SmartFeeder Helps with Portion Control

In our “SmartFeeder Feeding Insights” post, we explained how SmartFeeder enables you to stay on top of your pet’s diet and ensure that you are providing them with the proper amount of food each day.  Today we are going to dig deeper into the portion control aspect of Feeding Insights, since that is the root of many feeding mis-steps.

The shocking truth about feeding.

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 52.6% of Dogs and 57.6% of Cats in the U.S. are  are Overweight or Obese.  These sad statistics are a direct result of overfeeding our pets, and this is a trend that is increasing globally.  A recent U.K. study reported that about half of all pets taken to the vet are overweight.  In addition to shortened life expectancy, these overweight pets are at increased risk for weight-related disorders such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension and many cancers.

Faced with imprecise and confusing feeding instructions provided on pet food labels, most pet parents don’t know that they are overfeeding their pets. The fact is, the majority of today’s pet food is either wasted or over consumed by our pets. Through portion control and by providing insights into pet food ingredients,  SmartFeeder will help combat the pet obesity epidemic by making it easier for pet parents to feed their pet properly.

How does SmartFeeder address the problem?

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When designing SmartFeeder, we set out to tackle this problem with an advanced, but easy to use solution.  We created a pet feeder that could program itself around your life and the wellness of your pet. It learns how much and when you feed your pet and guides you towards a more healthy feeding regimen.  It even lets you adjust for treats.

SmartFeeder's intelligent software and sensors take into account your pet's age and activity level (among other things) to estimate servings in precise measurements as small as 1/16th of a cup.  The software's sophisticated algorithms automatically find the ideal set of compatible pet food recipes based on your pet's description.  This takes the burden away from having to do the research yourself.

Remedying the issue of improper food portions will help your pet lead a healthier life and save you money.  Depending on your pet’s size, proper portion sizing could save you hundreds of dollars each year and this doesn’t even take into account savings from avoided medical costs for overweight pets!

According to Dr. Ernie Ward, the Founder of APOP, “The most important decision that you make each day regarding your pet’s health is what you feed them.  What you pour into that bowl each morning has the greatest influence of anything else you will do to keep them healthy and living long”.  Let SmartFeeder help you with those daily decisions.

Personalize your pet’s daily meals.

Feed the right amount each day with the SmartFeeder and SmartDelivery.