Sign up for SmartDelivery, a recurring pet food delivery service from Petnet, and get the SmartFeeder for $99 (MSRP $179) plus the cost of food.
Celebrating National Pet Day: It’s Paw-ty Time!
Like most pet owners, we always look for an excuse to throw bow ties on our bulldogs and party hats on our cats, but when a holiday rolls along that has incredible meaning behind it, well, that really gets our tails w...
Introducing a New Dog to the Family
If you're like me, you look at that cute dog on the street, in the park, or even on Petfinder, dreaming about adding “just one more” dog to your family. But then...what about your resident dog? The one you love, pampe...
Open your Heart and Home: Wordless Wednesday
June is Adopt-A-Cat Month. Open your heart and your home to a feline friend.
4 Ways to Help a Pet Rescue or Shelter
April is the ASPCA’s Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. We at Petnet want to show our support for this important issue by publishing a piece about animal rescues and shelters. This is not to say that pets in res...