image for Turmeric Staving Off Dog Obesity

Turmeric Staving Off Dog Obesity

What we eat and how much of it we eat can have a major impact on our overall health and lifespan. The same is true for our dogs. Our decisions on which foods to buy, and how much to serve at each meal, will have a mar...

image for Preservatives in Pet Food

Preservatives in Pet Food

Given the way that the pet food industry operates as of today, preservatives are generally necessary to keep the food products fresh and safe for consumption.  But not all preservatives are created equal; while some a...

image for Fruits and Vegetables in Pet Food

Fruits and Vegetables in Pet Food

When evaluating a pet food, the macronutrient profiles – protein, fat, and carbohydrates -- are three of the most important factors in determining the suitability of the food for your pet.  Still, there are other thin...

image for Thyme: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z

Thyme: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z

We continue our Pet Food Ingredients A to Z series with the letter “T”. Today's ingredient is the well known herb, Thyme. What is Thyme? Thyme is a perennial plant, belonging to the mint family.  The plants can be...

image for Selenium: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z

Selenium: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z

We continue our A to Z series with the letter “S”. Today's ingredient is Selenium. What is Selenium? Selenium is a trace mineral that our bodies use to produce glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that serves as a na...

image for L-Carnitine: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z

L-Carnitine: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z

We now move to the letter “L” in our ingredient A to Z series and are featuring L-Carnitine as our ingredient of the day. What is L-Carnitine? L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body.  ...