Sign up for SmartDelivery, a recurring pet food delivery service from Petnet, and get the SmartFeeder for $99 (MSRP $179) plus the cost of food.

5 Must-Know Facts About Pet Food
For all animal-obsessed pet parents, nothing’s more important than the health and well-being of our furry children. We bring them to the vet for checkups, we drag them up huge hills for exercise (commonly known as “hi...

Worst Reasons to Choose a Pet Food: Grain Free
Grain free pet food is one of the fasting growing segments in the pet food industry. GfK Research recently reported that sales of grain free pet food grew a whopping 28% from September 2012 to September 2013 in US re...

USDA and other Label Nuances: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z
We continue our Pet Food Ingredients A to Z series with the letter “U”. In reality, there are not a lot of ingredients that start with the letter U. We decided on “USDA”. Although it is not an ingredient, it is an a...