Sign up for SmartDelivery, a recurring pet food delivery service from Petnet, and get the SmartFeeder for $99 (MSRP $179) plus the cost of food.

Healthy Ingredients for Your Pet: Kale
In our ongoing series on Healthy Ingredients for Your Pet, Kale was a natural ingredient to focus on. Kale has been likened to a ‘superfood’ for humans as it provides a long list of benefits to your health. Your pet c...

Healthy Ingredients for Your Pet - Introduction
Figuring out what to feed your pet can be a challenge for any pet owner. If you go into your local pet store nowadays, you see aisles and aisles of dry food, canned food, frozen food, dehydrated food…aagghh how do you...

Interview with Cathy Enright, CEO, Pet Food Institute Part 2
The following is Part 2 of excerpts from an interview by Petnet VP of Food, Steve Pelletier with Cathy Enright, CEO of the Pet Food Institute. Read Part 1 here. Steve: There has been a sea change in the pet food indus...

All About Your Favorite Dog (or Cat) Breed – a New Petnet Blog Series
Today we begin an ongoing series of educational posts on dog and cat breeds. We plan to explore the popular breeds, examining their origin, personality characteristics, health and fitness issues and the types of foods...

Thanksgiving Foods that are Healthy for Your Pet
Last week we posted a story outlining some common holiday foods that could be potentially harmful to your pets. Today, we want to look at Thanksgiving foods that are not only tasty, but are healthy and good for your p...

Thanksgiving Foods that May be Harmful for Your Pet
Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and everyone’s thoughts turn to food. What will we have for dinner? Turkey of course and stuffing, but does your family go with mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, peas or green beans,...

5 Unneeded Pet Food Ingredients
We often say that reading a pet food label shouldn’t be rocket science even though it seems that you need a Ph.D. to figure out what is in your pet’s food. Pet food labels are long and confusing to most people, yet, ...

Worst Reasons to Choose a Pet Food: The Name
When it comes to pet food, names can be deceiving. At least in some cases. In this post we will review some of the key labeling requirements in the U.S. and provide an example of how a pet food’s name does not alway...

Read Beyond the Pet Food Name
We often stress the importance of reading the details on a pet food label. It is really the only way to evaluate if the food is a good fit for your dog or cat. Yet, many people simply look at the Brand and recipe na...

Herring: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z
Today we move to the letter “H” in our Ingredient A to Z series and are featuring Herring as our ingredient of the day. What is Herring? According to Wikipedia, Herring are forage fish, mostly belonging to the fam...

Glycerin: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z
Today we move to the letter “G” in our ingredient A to Z series and are featuring Glycerin as our ingredient of the day. What is Glycerin? Glycerin, is a sweetener and binder (humectant) that is commonly produced ...

Dandelion Greens: Pet Food Ingredients A to Z
Today we are on letter “D” of the A to Z Challenge and are featuring Dandelion Greens as our ingredient of the day. What are Dandelion Greens? Dandelions are part of the Sunflower family of plants and are official...