Sign up for SmartDelivery, a recurring pet food delivery service from Petnet, and get the SmartFeeder for $99 (MSRP $179) plus the cost of food.

The Health Risks of Having a Fat Pet
I recently discussed some of the common health risks that pets face from being overweight. The list of diseases and ailments that are associated with a pet being overweight is both long and serious, and will likely ...

The Cost of Feeding Dogs Cheap Food
In the modern world, food is relatively abundant and there is a wide variety of convenient foods available on the grocery store shelf. More often than not, these foods may contain ingredients of dubious quality, yet t...

The Cost of Having an Overweight Pet
October 8th is the 2014 National Pet Obesity Awareness Day in the United States. This day was created by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) to help raise awareness of the pet obesity problem we have in...

Should you Feed your Pet Diet Food
Just as with humans, where almost 70 % of U.S. adults are overweight and more than a third are considered obese according to the Center for Disease Control, there is a similar problem with our pets. According to Asso...

10 Ways to Praise Our Dogs Without Food
We don’t always think about how, when, or why we praise our dogs. While giving our dogs praise can be a fun way to connect, it often serves us more than it serves them. It has become increasingly common to praise our ...