Sign up for SmartDelivery, a recurring pet food delivery service from Petnet, and get the SmartFeeder for $99 (MSRP $179) plus the cost of food.
Dietary Diseases in Cats Caused by Poor Diet
October is Pet Obesity Awareness Month. By giving proper nutrition and a healthy diet, many of these diseases can be prevented. There are a variety of diseases seen in cats that are strongly related to diet. These a...
Pet Obesity: Crunching the Numbers
October is pet obesity awareness month and it is the perfect time to review some of the key statistics and information related to pet obesity. I would argue that the single most impactful thing that pet owners can d...
The Top 10 Reasons to Walk Your Dog
We all know it is very important to walk our dogs, but today I want to share some of my own experiences and explore WHY it’s important to walk dogs. Here are my top 10 reasons to walk your dog. I’ve broken it down int...