Sign up for SmartDelivery, a recurring pet food delivery service from Petnet, and get the SmartFeeder for $99 (MSRP $179) plus the cost of food.
Health and Fitness
U.S. Pet Obesity: The Total Number of Pounds our Dogs are Overweight
According to the 2014 Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) survey, the number of obese dogs has risen the past two years and the total number of overweight or obese dogs in the US is almost 44 million. I thou...
Health and Fitness
U.S. Pet Obesity Statistics, 2011-2013
Dr. Ernie Ward and The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) recently released the 2013 results of their pet obesity survey. The study, conducted in the fall of 2013, shows no real improvement since 2011 in th...